below are simply Suggestions from your family doctor

**Please, refer to CDC/ADH Guidelines, as things change daily.  Below are simply my suggestions as of March 22 at 5pm.**

If you are sick and you feel you need to see a healthcare professional, DO NOT BE AFRAID TO CALL US AND COME SEE US. 

Our doors are open to you, and we will continue to take care of you.  Please, keep in mind, if you screen negative or test negative for coronavirus, that does not mean you are in the clear from potentially getting coronavirus, and it does not rule out any other causes of your illness.  If you continue to be ill or at any point simply feel you need to be seen by a healthcare professional, call us and we will see you.  In fact, many more people are going to become ill with other illness and die from other diseases than will contract and get sick or die from this virus over the coming weeks/months.  So, don’t let the current situation keep you from getting the help you need if you feel something isn’t going right. If you get screened/tested by some other facility outside of our office, do not sit back and do nothing for days simply waiting on your test to come back. If you feel like you need to see a healthcare professional, call us and we will see you.  If you are getting sicker or feel you need to be seen at anytime, LET US KNOW.  You still need to be taken care of, and there is a good chance that something else may be going on.

Wash your hands.

Constantly.  Sanitizer counts.  Touch something someone else has touched or might touch?  Wash up!  Need to touch your face?  Wash/sanitize your hands before AND after.

Clean surfaces/countertops in your home frequently (several times a day).

Clean your cell phone and computer keyboard/mouse frequently!

Socially isolate yourself immediately.

We need to move beyond social distancing and start socially isolating ourselves.  Do not wait on the government to tell you to isolate yourself.  Do it now.   Do not go anywhere out in public unless you absolutely have to.  AVOID the grocery store, if at all possible.  Use the numerous delivery services now setup to bring you the goods you need.  If you are over the age of 65 or have medical problems and you cannot utilize a delivery service, send someone else to do your shopping for you, if at all possible. If you are able to accomplish your work from home, do so.  Do NOT physically go to work, unless that is the only way you can get your job done.  If you can accomplish your job over the computer via email, video conferencing, FaceTime, etc., there is NO reason for you to be sitting in an office with others.  If your bosses are not allowing this, plea with them.   The government has been very reactive, instead of proactive, when it comes to telling people to socially isolate.  Do not wait until it’s too late.


If we (nurses, nurse practitioners, medical assistants, lab techs, pharmacists, doctors, the person answering the phones at your doctors’ offices/hospitals) get sick, there will be no one to take care of you.  A MEMBER OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC HAS NO REASON TO HAVE IN THEIR POSSESSION ANY N95 MASKS AT THIS TIME.  You should not be out in public period, so you should have no reason to wear any sort of mask.  If you must go out in public AND you have a cough or other respiratory symptoms, wearing an earloop style mask would be appropriate and recommended.  If you have ANY N95 masks in your possession and you are not a healthcare professional, PLEASE gather them and take them to your local hospital or doctor’s office.  We will use them, so we can continue to take care of you!

Be prepared.

The current estimate for Arkansas is that the peak of infections in our state will be 6-8 weeks from now.  That does NOT mean we will back to normal in 6-8 weeks.  If things goes “as planned” given the current situation, numbers will start to fall in 6-8 weeks, but you will still need to isolate yourselves for another period of time to allow for the infection to continue to dissipate.  If we become complacent at any point and try to get back out into normal public life, the numbers will just go right back up.  

Your hospitals and clinics are prepared and continue to change preparations as the situation evolves. 

Many changes are behind-the-scenes and will remain unknown to the public.  The latest estimate from the ADH is 1,000 people in Arkansas will need to be hospitalized for this virus.  We have over 200 ICU beds in the state and MORE will become available as these behind-the-scenes changes are made.  Our hope is that we have enough beds to care for people, BUT WE NEED YOU TO DO YOUR PART.  STAY HOME.  GIVE US, THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM, YOUR N95 MASKS.  STAY HOME.  GIVE US N95 MASKS.  STAY HOME.  Give your favorite nurse an N95 mask—or give your least favorite nurse or least favorite doctor an N95 mask—that person may be the one who risks their life to save yours if you become infected.

Parents, prepare yourself. 

Your kids will NOT be going back to school this school year.  Avoid daycares IF AT ALL POSSIBLE.  Do NOT schedule playdates!  More people together = more coronavirus.  Period. 

What CAN you do?

GO FOR A WALK—in your neighborhood, down the gravel road you live on, or on a trail.  Arkansas has MANY places to get outside that do not involve having to be around others.  If you cross someone’s path while out and about, do not stop and talk to them.  Give them a friendly Arkansas nod and keep on moving.

Call or FaceTime grandma on her iPhone everyday!  If she doesn’t have a way to talk to you over video, call her and talk to her everyday!  She misses you and everyone else, but it’s best for her to stay isolated.  This goes not just for grandma but for anyone over the age of 65 and anyone with medical issues that would make getting the coronavirus a harder thing to successfully fight off. Check on your family members and friends, especially those that you know who already have limited social interactions even when things are normal.

Support your local businesses and eateries the best you can.  Utilize delivery or take-out of food.  Other local businesses have already gotten creative with how to get you the items you need without having to come inside the store.  If they haven’t, keep checking with them, as they are adjusting their capabilities daily.  Local retail business are generally not busy right now, so even calling and asking them to get you something and bringing it out to you should be entirely possible.  They have time, and they are literally dying for your business. 

These are simply my thoughts based on how things have evolved both here and around the work, and some of the recommendations go above what the CDC/ADH is recommending. Please, do NOT wait on them to tell you to stay home. This is to protect both you and us.

Dr. Alex